Tuesday 3 March 2009

Look after your suppliers? No really - look after your suppliers….

The announcement that Zavvi, the music, games and DVD retailer is to close down for good, has brought home a salient point about the recession that often gets overlooked in those “top tips on surviving the recession” listings.

Nearly everybody will suggest that you imagine a scenario when one of your top customers goes bust, but very little emphasis is put on the situation when one of your main suppliers goes the same way. Yet that is precisely what has happened in this case, where the key supplier in question was Entertainment UK, which was a casualty of the Woolworths demise. Not only did Zavvi lose its key supplier at a time when it desperately needed stock i.e. the run up to Christmas, but more importantly it lost valuable credit facilities, which could not be replaced as new suppliers demanded immediate payment.

A salutary lesson for everybody - when your key supplier goes down not only do you lose products that you need for your business, you potentially lose a valuable source of finance. One to add to those key financial relationships that have to be managed.

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