Thursday 26 March 2009

Green Shoots? Maybe we can work it out after all….

Hooray! I have at last found those elusive green shoots. There is a landscape gardener based in Guildford who is really busy at the moment. I know this is probably an example of the DIY syndrome which normally occurs in housing recessions i.e. if you can’t move to a new house you do up the old one (although B&Q, Homebase et al should be so lucky), but normally the gardener is one of the first cuts made by a cash strapped household, so maybe these are green shoots that really have taken root. It seems that Barack Obama thinks so as well.

I met the aforesaid landscape gardener at a breakfast seminar entitled “Preparing For The Next Upturn” organised by the Surrey Economic Partnership where the speaker was the ever ebullient Beermat man Mike Southon. His presentation compared the life cycle of an entrepreneurial business with the career of the Beatles, and mixed great music with amusing anecdotal snippets and a great deal of common sense advice. Mike kept the whole audience entertained for more than an hour and I think everybody left the seminar believing that they will get through the current economic downturn, and emerge well equipped to take advantage of the upturn.Maybe we are having a hard day’s night at present but if we can work it out and help each other rather than let it be, perhaps we will see the economy getting better in the end.

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